Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Young Women in Math Day at TMLA

More than 120 seventh grade girls from 42 public and non-public elementary schools took part in Young Women in Math Day at TMLA. The April 21st event was designed to highlight and encourage the Math talents of girls. So often our young ladies are told or believe themselves that they can not do Math, that Math is for boys.

Not so! Our very talented young ladies competed in individual and team Math competitions with more than 20 winners announced. (There were a number of ties.) Monetary awards were given along with certificates. Every student received a T-shirt and folder of Math fun.
The event was funded by a very generous personal grant by Senator Frank Padavan, who spoke to the girls and distributed the awards. Click on the links below for photos and watch for the follow-up story in the NY Daily News.

Photos 1

Photos 2

Photos 3

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